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Contractor jailed for using fake bank statements
Published on: Friday, September 11, 2020
By: Cynthia D Baga
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Contractor jailed for using fake bank statements
Azman (right) after the proceedings.
Kota Kinabalu: A 35-year-old contractor was jailed a total 12 months and fined RM15,000 for six counts of using fake bank statements to get the tender worth RM6.1 million to supply dry food to the General Operation Force (GOF) in Lahad Datu and here.

Sessions Court Judge Abu Bakar Manat meted out the sentence to Azman Majin, who pleaded guilty to all the charges against him, Thursday. On the first to third count, Azman was jailed one month and fined RM5,000 in default three months’ jail each for using three forged bank statements under the name of Rezkey Enterprise dated April 30, 2017, May 31, 2017 and June 30, 2017.

The charges stated that he produced the fake bank statements so as to obtain the tender for GOF in Kota Kinabalu for the period from March 14, 2018 to March 13 this year.

On the fourth to sixth count, he was sent to prison for three months each for using fake bank statements under the name of Azraf Enterprise dated April 30, 2017, May 31, 2017 and June 30, 2017 also to obtain the same tender for GOF in Lahad Datu.

All the offences fall under Section 471 of the Penal Code and punishable under Section 468 of the same Code which provides for a jail term of up to seven years, and fine, upon conviction.

The court ordered Azman to serve the jail sentence concurrently.

In passing the sentence, the court advised Azman not to repeat the offence and start business in an honest manner.

During mitigation, Azman, who was unrepresented, asked for leniency saying that he was remorseful of his wrongdoing and promised not to repeat the offence.

Azman also said he was the breadwinner for his family and taking care of his sick wife who was unable to drive on her own. However, Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Prosecuting Officer Clementine Severinus urged the court to impose a deterrent sentence to Azman on the grounds that the offence committed was rampant nowadays.

Clementine said Azman had gained wrongful income from the offence.

He added that the sentence must give a stern message to the public at large so that they will obey the laws.


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