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Schools can try out the most ideal reopening model: Dept
Published on: Friday, July 10, 2020
By: Anthea Peter
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Schools can try out the most ideal reopening model: Dept
Mistirine (front, ninth left), Samsuni (front, middle), Amin (front, second right), Eng Hong (front, right) and teachers who received awards, at the State-level Teachers’ Day Celebration.
Kota Kinabalu: Schools statewide will experiment with the reopening models proposed by the Education Ministry (MOE) to determine which best addresses concerns on shortage of classrooms.State Education Director Dr Mistirine Radin said either three models, namely the Single Session Model, Dual Sessions Model and Rotational Model would be implemented, subject to classroom size and number of students, in order to strictly comply with the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP).

She said her department and relevant authorities are currently guiding the schools’ model selection and SOP preparations towards a full reopening for Forms One to Four and Year Five to Year Six on July 15.

“We do have schools that opted for the third model (rotational), but under our monitoring recently there are some schools that do not actually need to go for the third model.

“They can operate under the second model (dual sessions) but we still have to guide them so that they will select the correct model,” she said at the State-level Teachers’ Day Celebration at Raia Hotel here, Thursday.

She said only crowded schools are most likely to opt for the third model. “Out of over 1,000 of our schools, only about 10 have opted for model three.

She added that if a certain model does not work optimally for the first week, schools will switch to a more suitable model the following week. “We will make sure schools will be ready by July 13,” she added. On parents who are hesitant to send their children to school, Mistirine said they have the choice to observe the school’s SOP compliance first to gain confidence before deciding to do so.

“We do not want to force parents, as we are aware that some students may have health issues,” she said. On the Teachers’ Day Celebration, several teachers received awards for their achievements in various categories to commemorate the occasion. Former SM St John Tuaran Principal Dr Ngiam Eng Hong was granted the State-level “Tokoh Guru” award, whereas former Malaysian Education Director General Datuk Dr Amin Senin was given the “Tokoh Kepimpinan Pendidikan Kebangsaan” award.

The celebration was officiated by Sabah Federal Secretary Datuk Samsuni Mohd Nor.  


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