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Sabah to fight pressure on its reps, Shafie again warns PN
Published on: Friday, June 12, 2020
By: Larry Ralon
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Sabah to fight pressure on its reps, Shafie again warns PN
Shafie (seated, centre) with the Warisan, Upko, DAP and PKR elected representatives.
Kota Kinabalu: Chief Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Shafie Apdal issued a second warning in 24 hours that his Parti Warisan Sabah-led State Government will fight back if they (Perikatan Nasional federal ruling coalition) continue to apply pressure on his Members of Parliament and State Assembly members.

“We will challenge the things. It is definitely not going to be so easy, we will definitely fight back. Don’t tell me. This is our state, this is our country, we have every right. But you don’t use this instrument (MACC) to try to pressure us. “We have the parliament session coming up soon. I am not going to shut my mouth. During the last general election (GE14), remember, when they intimidated us, I spoke in parliament. Let it be heard by the whole Malaysia. Is this the government that we want? Is this the way how we run this country? “I mean we were there before. Tun Dr Mahathir (Mohamad) was there before. But you can imagine, have we ever used intimidation?...what is happening now is really something that is unbecoming, like the Musa Aman case,” he said, referring to the acquittal of his predecessor of alleged graft and money laundering charges on Tuesday.

Federal AG Idrus Harun said he decided to acquit Musa after finding that he was slapped with the same old charges three days before his rightful CM appeal case verdict in 2018 despite being cleared years earlier, with the Hong Kong authorities also finding no grounds to continue since the monies were political donations and did not amount to corruption. “(So) I tell you, don’t disturb the state of Sabah, don’t disturb Sabahans. The moment you disturb we will fight back,” he said, after a closed-door meeting with all Warisan, Upko, DAP and PKR elected representatives in Sabah which lasted about five hours from 10.30am at the State Administrative Centre (PPNS), Thursday.

Shafie said his Warisan-led State Government is intact with all the elected representatives loyal to its struggles for Sabah and the people, despite various efforts, including “intimidation” by Perikatan Nasional (PN), to cross over. The meeting was also meant to prove wrong, claims especially of Members of Parliament (MPs) defecting following the current political situation in the country, after the change in government at the Federal-level. 

All elected representatives, except for Sepanggar MP Datuk Mohd Azis Jamman (Warisan), Silam MP Datuk Mohamaddin Haji Ketapi (Warisan), Elopura Assemblyman Calvin Chong (DAP), Kuala Penyu Assemblyman Datuk Limus Jury (Upko) and Sugut Assemblyman Datuk James Ratib (Upko), were present. The party has nine MPs, including Mohd Shafie who is also Warisan President and Semporna MP, while Upko has one, DAP three and PKR two out of the 25 MPs in Sabah. In terms of assemblymen, Warisan has 31, Upko four, DAP six and PKR two out of the total 60. Mohd Shafie said the number of elected representatives present at the meeting clearly showed that the State Government remained intact in terms of their number and in their stand to defend the State and its people. “We know and are aware about the various pressures being imposed on us and also the attempts to create chaos in the State by certain quarters. “PN (Perikatan Nasional) Government, I was made to understand have a grand plan, including persuading either by offering posts, financial benefits or various others. “Secondly, they also use the ‘intimidation tactic’ either by using Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) or other agencies to enable them to change the stand of our elected representatives so they will support PN,” he said. He cited Mohamaddin who informed him that he has been contacted thrice by Datuk Anifah Aman (former Foreign Minister) who persuaded him with various things to join “them”. “Mohamaddin said whatever decision made by the Government today we will be firm and will defend it.

“I am very confident that his (Mohamaddin) stand is very clear, and also that there will be some intimidation (on Mohamaddin for taking the decision) either through action by MACC or other means,” he said. When told that Anifah is still not part of PN, Mohd Shafie just said go and ask Mohamaddin about it. Mohd Shafie said the charges made by MACC against State Infrastructure Development Minister Datuk Peter Anthony, who is also Warisan Vice President and Melalap Assemblyman, is also another proof. “When we look at it, what a coincidence. Why things happened at the same time, when (former chief minister) Tan Sri Musa Aman was acquitted from his alleged corruption charges, at the same time action was taken against Datuk Peter Anthony.

“I hope, and am confident, that we also have evidence on them trying to persuade us and I believe the agencies concerned should also take action. Because it contains elements of offering posts, offering financial benefits, by them to our elected representatives to join them...this is real intimidation and it constitutes dishonesty and corruption. “How can you bribe people with posts and positions, just so that they get the support they want? The mandate has been granted by the people for us to rule Sabah. “We did not buy over people, I never offered a post to Datuk Wilfred Madius Tangau (Upko President and State Deputy Chief Minister cum Trade and Industry Minister). I was the one who appointed him (Tangau), he didn’t ask for it...and also to Datuk Ewon Benedick (Upko Vice President and State Rural Development Minister). “Look at Masiung (Kuamat Assemblyman), Bolkiah (Pitas Assemblyman), Saddi (Sukau Assemblyman), Jamawi (Kemabong Assemblyman), I never gave them any posts,” he said, referring to elected representatives, including those that defected to Warisan. Mohd Shafie believed the presence of their elected representatives at the meeting Thursday would clear the perception and claims that nine or four of their MPs will quit. “I myself had been receiving calls from the people asking whether their YB (elected representative) has left the party, following rumours spread by certain quarters. “The same with our assemblymen, although there are those who could not make it to be present here today their number is small and they had informed me to not be worried,” he said. He also urged the people of Sabah not to easily believe in unverified information spread by people, particularly related to any party-hopping by any of the state government elected representatives. 



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