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Sabah has new Marine Police chief
Published on: Wednesday, May 20, 2020
By: Stefyanie Myla Micheal
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Sabah has new Marine Police chief
Pajeri (left) handing the authority stick to the new Sabah Region 4 commander, Ahmad Ariffin (right), witnessed by Mohd Yusoff.
Kota Kinabalu: Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) Ahmad Ariffin was appointed the new Marine Police Region Four Sabah Commander, effective Tuesday.

 The former Lahad Datu Operations Headquarters Officer (PPMO) takes over from ACP Mohamad Pajeri Ali who would report to the Eastern Sabah Security Command (Esscom) as Deputy Chief of Staff III of Esscom Operations Centre on June 1, this year.

 The handing-over of duties ceremony between Ahmad Ariffin and Mohamad Pajeri was held at the Marine Police Headquarters, Sabah Police Contingent (IPK), witnessed by Malaysia’s Marine Police Commander SAC Mohd Yusoff Mamat, here, Tuesday.


Meanwhile, Mohd Yusoff said the State Marine Operation Force (MOF) had mobilised 22 assets with 150 officers and personnel for ‘Ops Benteng’ that have been enforced since May 12.

 “Op Benteng is a part of the National Task Force operation that was initiated by the Malaysian Army and involved by the Royal Malaysian Police and the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA), to safeguard our country especially in Sabah from illegal entry by illegal immigrants (PATI) from neighbouring countries.

“This is to avoid PATI from re-entering the state through over 100 rat trails along the vast Sabah waters.

“The operations will be enhanced after the Hari Raya Aidilfitri by increasing patrol boats from 22 to 30 as well as increased in the number of officers and personnel,” he said.

 According to Mohd Yusoff, this is needed not only to prevent illegal entry but as well as continuing and strengthening existing operations that contribute in efforts to tackle cross-border crime threats such as the kidnap for ransom (KFR) activities.

 Meanwhile, he said ever since the Movement Control Order (MCO) started on March 18, the Marine police detained 81 individuals for various offences and seized up to RM10.7 million worth of contraband items.

 “Between January and May 18, the Sabah MOF have recorded up to 470 cases with a total of RM 12,982.093.40 seized items,” he said.



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