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Dr M, Anwar say they are old but won’t stop trying
Published on: Sunday, May 10, 2020
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Dr M, Anwar say they are old but won’t stop trying
Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
PETALING JAYA: Pakatan Harapan will continue to fight to return the mandate of the people to the right party, says Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

The Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu) chairman and the PKR president said currently institutional reforms, rule of law, and the economy have been halted due to certain parties having their own agendas.

“The mandate of the people have been betrayed and the Pakatan government fell last February when Covid-19 was starting to affect the country. The government today would do anything to consolidate power.

“We do not recognise this government. Our principles are clear from day one this government was formed, that it is standing without the people’s mandate,” they said in a joint statement on Saturday (May 9) to commemorate the anniversary of the day Pakatan won the 14th General Election that toppled Barisan Nasional which had ruled the country since independence.

They noted that the current government was not obtained legally through the ballot box in a general election, adding that it was based on greed for positions.

“We do not want to sacrifice our morals and ethics to support this government.

“We do not want to betray the people who had queued hours at voting stations to vote, spent hundreds to fly back to vote, took unpaid leave to come back to change the fate of this country,” they said.

The duo added that two years ago, people from various religions and race had come together to support their effort by among others, donating, to see the change in the country.

“Two years ago we did not give up to let the voices of the people be heard. Today is the same. We have long rejected differences, disputes, crisis for the people.

“We are now old, we do not have a lot of time. But, the fighting spirit still burns in the souls of young people who dream of reform. “The time has come for us to rise up again and to continue to return the mandate of the people to the right party,” they said. They also noted that on May 9, the world witnessed history when Malaysia formed a new government that upheld the rule of law, moral values and responsibility. The Pakatan government collapsed in February after losing its majority in Parliament following the exit of 26 Bersatu MPs, including Bersatu president Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin and 11 others from PKR.

Dr Mahathir then resigned as the country’s Prime Minister.

However, Muhyiddin then was sworn in as the new Prime Minister after he supposedly commanded the backing of a new alliance known as Perikatan Nasional that consists of Barisan, PAS and others.

Dr Mahathir has since sought for a motion of no confidence against Muhyiddin.

On Friday (May 8), Dewan Rakyat Speaker Tan Sri Mohamad Ariff Md Yusoff had accepted Dr Mahathir’s motion of no confidence against Muhyiddin.



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