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Preparations underway
Published on: Thursday, May 07, 2020
By: Larry Ralon
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Preparations underway
Kota Kinabalu: The State Government has started making preparations for the opening up of the remaining social and economic sectors in Sabah, many of which have remained closed since the Movement Control Order (MCO) was enforced on March 18.Chief Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Shafie Apdal (pic), during a State Cabinet meeting Wednesday, had requested each Ministry to look into their respective areas so as to ensure sectors and industries under their jurisdiction are ready to recommence operations when the time comes.

“During the meeting most of our discussions were focused on the standard operation procedures (SOPs) to be implemented for each industry, on which needs stricter control and so on.

“Like for the tourism sector, if we open up how are we going to do it for the hotel and service industries, on the system to be put in place and so on. “We have to get things ready first before we try to open up, we need guidelines…we will have what I would call the new deal for managing the economic condition at the Sabah level,” he said after receiving a dividend/cost-of-living allowance payment of RM1.05 million and RM112,630 Covid-19 assistance for settlers from Sabah Land Development Board (SLDB) as well as a contribution of Covid-19 medical equipment and protective gear from the bantu-bantu Malaysia programme at the State Administrative Centre (PPNS). The opening up of the sectors and industries would be in stages and not all at once. “We are looking at which sector (first), not opening everything. Give us time to make the preparations, which will be made by taking into consideration various factors and also the measures to be implemented,” he said. Only Sabah and Penang are sticking to the earlier Movement Control Order (MCO) Phase 4, despite the country having moved into Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO) or Phase 5 since May 4. It would make any further decision on May 12, which is the end of the MCO Phase 4.

On the loosening of enforcement by police throughout Sabah, which is said to be implementing the CMCO instead of the MCO, such as inter-district travel and four people in one vehicle now allowed nationwide, Mohd Shafie said it is up to the police. “If they (police) want to do so. But we still want those areas which have cases to be tightened up,” he said. “But for us at the State-level we will continue doing our preparation until May 12.”

Asked if the police are still working with the State Government in enforcing the MCO, Mohd Shafie said “yes, because Sabah is still under the MCO and the police are tasked to enforce it”. On another development, Sabah is also making preparations for the return of many more Sabahan students from abroad. Mohd Shafie said there are actually about 11,000 Sabahan students, most of them still in the process of returning. “We need to prepare for this. We will have to address it according to the State’s limited quarantine capability, to be able to take control of this situation.

“I had asked Dr Yusof (State Education and Innovation Minister) to look at the management of these students so they can be sent to their respective hometowns and be with their families,” he said. 


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