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Embassy help on the way for Filipinos in Sabah
Published on: Friday, April 17, 2020
By: Nikko Fabian
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Embassy help on the way for Filipinos in Sabah
James (right) giving food pack to a recipient.
Kota Kinabalu: The office of the Department of Social Welfare Development (DSWD) in the Philippines Embassy in Kuala Lumpur will be informing Filipinos in Sabah soon on the kind of assistance they can expect from the Manila government during the current Covid-19 pandemic.

 “Welfare Attaché Ms Annie Mendoza assigned to look after the welfare of the Filipino illegal immigrants in Sabah is aware of the situation and will soon be issuing an official statement,” a source told Daily Express.

 On the part of the Philippine Overseas Labor Office (Polo) in Kuala Lumpur, its Labor Attaché Johnson Canete said the Manila government is giving cash assistance of RM851.31 (10,000p) to each eligible OFWs in Malaysia.

“We started receiving applications from our countrymen all over the country...we wish to remind applicants to ensure that application forms must be supported with the necessary documents/supporting papers found in our Polo website and embassy Facebook,” Canete stressed.

Meanwhile, some construction sector personnel distributed food packs to nine Filipino families facing difficulties in Kg Kobusak, Penampang, Tuesday.

James Abner Escobar and Joey Labitoria together with few friends involved in the local construction sector initiated the simple distribution upon being informed of the plight of their fellow countrymen.

It comprised rice, eggs, noodles, sardines and other essential goods.

“We maintained social distancing when distributing the food packs. We also reminded them to stay at home, observe personal hygiene and wash their hands often during the quarantine period,” they said.

Ronny Alcantara urged other well to do Filipinos in Sabah to initiate their own relief good distribution in the name of charity. He said while waiting for help from the embassy “let’s be resourceful to find ways and means to help our affected countrymen especially those in the construction, plantation, and service sector (no pay,no work) badly affected by the pandemic”.

One Filipina urged Filipino registered recruitment agency operators, sub-agents including their association to come forward and help alleviate the predicaments of their clients.

“A simple kind and humanitarian gesture from this group will be highly appreciated by affected Filipinos in Sabah in this difficult time,” she said.


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