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Don’t bring political culture of disunity to Sabah: Shafie
Published on: Monday, January 06, 2020
By: Hayati Dzulkifli
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Don’t bring political culture of disunity to Sabah: Shafie
KIMANIS: Chief Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Shafie Apdal (pic) on Sunday warned certain parties not to play up and bring in a political culture of disunity to the State.

Shafie, who is Parti Warisan Sabah (Warisan) President, said while every party contesting in the Kimanis parliamentary by-election has the right to campaign, it must be done in an orderly manner.

“If you want to win votes, go ahead win votes, you want to fight, do so but don’t use divisive (politics) by using (the issues of) race and religion.

“We are peaceful in Sabah, do not drag and bring the culture which will disunite the people in the State,” he told reporters after launching a Warisan branch in Kelatuan, near here, Sunday.

Earlier, more than 400 Umno members from 11 branches in Batu 6, Kelatuan, and Kg Brunei, Pimping, joined Warisan.

“I welcome them and view their decision to join Warisan as a good sign that there is a wave and realisation of the people of Sabah to vote for the local party so that they can defend Malaysians’ rights in Sabah,” said Shafie. 

The Kimanis by-election will see a one-on-one clash between Warisan and Barisan Nasional (BN) candidates.

Warisan is betting on Kimanis Warisan Division Chief Datuk Karim Bujang, 67, who would be challenged by BN’s Datuk Mohamad Alamin, 48, who is Kimanis Umno Division chief.

The Election Commission (EC) has fixed the polling day on Jan 18, while the early voting is on Jan 14.

On Barisan Nasional (BN) lodging a police report on Saturday’s Christmas and New Year celebration in Membakut which offered lucky draw prizes, Shafie said the coalition could do as they liked as the celebration was organised by local churches which collected money in a gotong-royong spirit.

“Up to them (BN) to lodge a police report. We can also lodge a police report,” he said.

On the accusation by Umno Deputy President Datuk Seri Mohamad Hasan that Warisan is “faking” when using the “Sabah for Sabahan” sentiments to please Sabahan voters when actually pro-federal, Shafie said: 

“In defending Malaysian rights in Sabah and the State’s interest, there is a need for the Sabah Government to work together with the Federal Government in order to achieve all that.

“Coincidentally, there are the Prime Minister (Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad), PKR leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, DAP leader Lim Guan Eng and Amanah President Mat Sabu who are all in PH top leadership and they are governing Malaysia. The leaders of these PH component parties are also working together at federal level…this is not a ‘wayang’.

“In fact, I have explained to Dr Mahathir on our Sabah rights and its relevant provisions and the change in the existing Constitution. This clearly shows that there is no ‘wayang-wayang’.

“When it comes to Sabah rights, we (Warisan) will defend and safeguard…this is our struggle which is not ‘wayang’. I (Warisan candidate for Lahad Datu MP) have even defeated my brother in (during the GE14) for the sake of our struggle, do you think this is also a ‘wayang’ (drama)?” asked Shafie.

Meanwhile, Shafie called on the party machinery to stand united and show voters in the Kimanis constituency that Warisan is sincere in its fight for the people.

He said they also must emphasise on the importance of Warisan to win the seat in the by-election to the voters.

Warisan’s victory in Kimanis will help facilitate development projects in the area by the State Government, he said in his speech at the Binsulok district polling centre.

“This by-election is very important to us, we are not offering lip service, and our fight to bring goodness is not just to the people here but across Sabah, regardless of religion, race and culture,” he added. 


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