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More oil, gas revenue for Sabah
Published on: Sunday, November 16, 2014
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More oil, gas revenue for Sabah
KOTA KINABALU: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said Sabah will continue to get more revenue from its oil and gas resources.He said apart from the oil and gas royalty of five per cent, Sabah was also given a 10 per cent stake in Petronas LNG Train 9 Sdn Bhd in Bintulu, Sarawak, which would generate an additional revenue to the State and its people.

"That's why I had said, you can make a request, but let us negotiate and we have a formula that Sabah would receive more from the oil and gas revenue. This has been clarified by (Chief Minister) Datuk Seri Musa Aman," he said.

Najib said even though the request for an increase in the oil and gas royalty had yet to be fulfilled, the 10 per cent stake given to Sabah in the Petronas project in Bintulu had met the goal of raising its revenue from oil and gas resources, albeit in a different way.

As the Prime Minister and minister responsible for Petronas, Najib said he would make sure that Sabah would get more revenue from its oil and gas resources.

He said the Federal Government's decision to award Sabah a stake in the Petronas LNG project lived up to the spirit of solidarity and the principle of camaraderie between the federal and state governments as well as among BN leaders.

Najib said whatever problems or challenges faced could be overcome only if the spirit of solidarity and the principle of camaraderie existed as ironing out problems through collaborative efforts was much easier than doing it alone.

However, he said any action taken should be based on the Constitution and the federal principles as Malaysia was formed on the bedrock of the principles.

Najib said the Federal Government has its own jurisdiction and likewise, the State Government, and to ensure that common goals could be attained, matters arising should be resolved through negotiations and mutual respect for each other's jurisdiction.

As for the land issues, he said that since land matters were under the State Government's purview, the explanation by the Chief Minister earlier on the Communal Title was clear.

The Government wanted to give land to the natives and in Sabah it was done through the Communal Title approach, he said.

He said the Federal Government had allocated millions of ringgit to the state government to measure and demarcate land to be awarded to natives.

He said the federal government was willing to consider granting an additional allocation for the purpose in the interest of the people of Sabah.

As the chairman of BN, Najib said he had to look after the needs of 13 component parties which he likened to a father having 13 children, each with different styles and thinking.

Nonetheless, he said no matter how different they were from one another, the father would still consider them as his children.

"This is what we must continue to foster because when there is camaraderie we remain united be it in happier or sad times," he said, adding that in politics there is a cycle of up and down.

"When we are up we need to be reminded that what goes up must come down and we are down we strive to work harder to go up again," he said.

Najib said in the 13th General Election, (Upko President Datuk Madius) Tangau had said that only about 30 per cent of the pasok momogun or KDM community supported the BN.

Therefore, efforts must be made to regain support from the community.

"It is not just for Upko alone but it is the responsibility of the Federal and State governments to work harder," he said.

Earlier, Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa explained that the State Government was giving out land to the natives through the communal title, a unique concept that has been accepted by the people.

However, he said, the opposition tried to twist the matter and influence the people to object to the noble programme.

"But to me the people know and understand it," he said. Also on hand was Upko President Emeritus, Tan Sri Bernard Dompok and leaders from the various BN component parties as well as more than 1,000 delegates and observers.

Caption: The PM addressing the Upko gathering.


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